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Anim8or 0.9

Anim8or is a 3D modeling and character animation program.


* 3D Modeler - Create and modify 3D models. Built-in primitives such as spheres, cylinders, platonic solids, etc.; mesh-edit and subdivision; splines, extrusion, lathing, modifiers, bevel and warps,
* TrueType font support - 2D and 3D extruded text for any TrueType font.
* OpenGL based real time operation,
* Import and modify .3DS (3D Studio), .LWO (Lightwave), and .OBJ (Wavefront) object files,
* Export .3DS files,
* Built in 3D Object browser,
* Jointed character editor,
* Morph targets,
* Anti-aliased software renderer for high quality, production quality images,
* Create 3D scenes and animations and output .AVI movie files, .JPG and .BMP images,
* Supports textures, bump maps, soft shadows, spotlights, fog, and much more,
* Texture support for .BMP, .GIF, and .JPG format files,
* Print images of scenes and models.

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